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  • Writer's pictureAnthony jacob

Skylands Manor Ringwood

Skylands is an estate property located in Ringwood State Park in Ringwood, New Jersey, spread across 1119 acres of land. The property consists of the historic Skylands Manor mansion, The Castle at Skylands Manor, and the New Jersey Botanical Garden. It is open to the public throughout the year. It is maintained by the Skyland Association and the property is marketed with the garden as New Jersey State Botanical Garden at Skylands.

The Skylands Manor Ringwood, the paintings, the gardens including the formal gardens - all were built during the 1920’s. The manor is a replica of the English mansion featuring rectangular, bay and oriel windows. It once had a nine-hole golf course as well.

The Skylands Mansion and the whole property is within the Ramapo Mountains. It is a 44 room Tudor revival manor house. The entire estate was bought by the State of New Jersey to form a State Botanical Garden in 1966. The settings include a Lilac Garden, Magnolia Walk, the Wild Flower Garden, the Crab Apple Vista, an alee of 166 trees extending almost a half-mile, and the Perennial Garden. The entire Skylands Manor Ringwood now comprises more than 4,000 acres of parkland.

The Winter Garden here includes New Jersey’s largest Jeffery Pine. The east side of the Skylands Manor Ringwood comprises the weeping beech and has a Japanese Umbrella Pine. Algerian Fir, Atlas Cedar are other non-native trees you can see in this garden. Apart from the State Botanical garden, the other main highlights here at Skylands Manor Ringwood Garden include - an Outbuilding, Lake Shepperd Leisure area, and the Eagle from Pennsylvania.

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