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  • Writer's pictureAnthony jacob

Know the Differences Between Motels and Hotels

While travelling anywhere for business or vacation trip, the accommodation will be one of the primary requirements for everyone. When you are searching for the perfect accommodation with all the luxurious amenities, there will be lots of options in all the cities. You can always make choice for the rooms in hotels, hostels, motels and guesthouses. However, it is true that people are always confused between the terms hotel and motel while going to make a reservation for the luxurious amenities during any trip.

If you are also going to make an hotel reservation for a comfortable stay, it is very important that you can get a clear idea about both of these terms used commonly. There are some of the points that will clear your doubts about the hotels and motels so that you can make a reservation as per your choice:

Definition of hotel and motel:

First of all, you should get a clear idea with the definition of both of these accommodations available for different purposes.

Hotels are available for paid accommodation for the short term where you will find lots of facilities and amenities so that you can get complete satisfaction of Living a comfortable life during your travel anywhere.

On the other hand, you will find the option of short-term as well as long-term accommodation in motels. Motels are located near road networks where people can have a stay while travelling for long distances on the highways. You will find less comfortable amenities in motels as compared to normal hotels.

Appearance and cost of living:

In most of the cases, hotels are located in single or multi-storey building where you will find the rooms having an opening to the interiors of the building. On the other hand, most of the motels are located in single or double storey buildings having connected rooms. In these rooms, you will find an opening for entrance to the exteriors or walkways.

Commonly, hotels are more expensive as compared to motels and you will find the options in different price range according to the star rating of the hotel. The cost of lodging will also depend on the type of rooms, available amenities and additional facilities for the guests in the hotels. In the case of motels, you can definitely save your money because of much affordable deals as compared to the hotels. You will find the lack of luxury and world-class amenities because of the basic rooms in motels.

Location and amenities:

Most of the motels are situated on national highways but you can also find it nearby outer areas of the towns. Hotels can be located anywhere inside the city or any rural area. In most of the cases, hotels are located near to the airports, railway stations, business places, tourist attractions, casinos and other popular places where people visit for live or entertainment.

In the hotels, there will be all the world-class amenities that may make your Living experience more comfortable. As a guest, you can easily find the facilities like luxury rooms, swimming pools, fitness centre, meeting facilities, Wi-Fi, Jacuzzi and much more in the hotels. On the other hand, there will be very minimal amenities in Motel Suites. You will hardly find the swimming pools, fitness Centre, business facilities, Jacuzzi and much more like the normal hotels.

In the hotels, you will find the living options according to a star rating from 1-5 stars according to the quality of services and living experience. In general cases, the star rating is not considered in motels but you may find it from 1.5-2.5 stars. We hope that your confusion is cleared about both of these terms of accommodations.

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